How to overcome self-doubt at work
It’s true that believing in yourself and your brilliance doesn’t come easily to most of us.
But just like any muscle, it takes effort and it’s strengthened by taking action. The best way to overcome your self doubt is to get to know it. Experiment with taking new actions and growing new beliefs and watch your self-belief snowball.
Building self-belief and the gift of experiments
It’s easy to think that courage is a condition for taking action – “when I feel courageous, I’ll begin” – but the reality is that you’re more likely to create confidence by taking action.
Waiting to know enough or feel ready before you start can mean breaking the self-doubt loop is harder. By not beginning, you can persuade yourself that you’re lacking the bravery or brilliance you need to bring your goals to life.
So, what to do instead?
Embracing the messiness on the path to your dreams and goals
When it comes to your dreams and goals – no matter how much you want them or how well-planned they might be – obstacles and setbacks are inevitable. This is a messy, imperfect and non-linear path!
So, how can you plan for them and support yourself through them?